one has been playing far too much guitar hero, mario galaxy and FF7.
i have access to so many games and consoles here, it's GOOD.
the internet is a bit pap though.
I've started working on the second CSS sheet for my site, as well as trying to find out how to set up my own web cam feed. i can't seem to find much really useful information about setting up a web cam feed, i've downloaded several programs but have no idea how to get the feed onto my site. more research needed methinks.
here is what it looks like so far:

needs ALOT more work, just hoping that my CSS swappy code works fine in the end. need to think of more patterns to use. at first i was going to go with something a bit floral, inspired by this pretty tree in the backgarden, but decided to go with pink cubes of doom.

not much is different from the original CSS sheet really, still need to work on the fonts and links.
i've also been reading this REALLY big book.

for my final major project i want to do something with processing, at the moment i'm still trying to find out what's possible (it's seems that almost anything is really). i'm just hoping i'm not biting off more than i can chew.