since we need to inform and educate and that through our little "web experience" for solar century, i thought it might be worth looking at some yummy infographics.
the first thing that came into mind was the lovely plinky plonky moving image piece by
stylewar called terrain. (taken from motion blur by onedotzero) infographics for and imaginary company, specialising in creating specialised, technologicaly advanced land and homes.

i think all the animation was done in aftereffects, which makes it look nice. it flows really well, and it feels nice and clean.
after some wondering around i found this very nice blog,
information aesthetics, which is all about inforgraphics and features some links to some very nice examples. including these by
Corpora in Si(gh)te, a "media architecture installation".

some of the images are quite complex, which doesn't suit the brief as we need to make it as simple as possible to understand, but i really like the idea of using an real life environment to showcase the information.
the images show the information taken from sensors from the enviroment shown in the images.