
restoring my faith in the internet

as it were.

i've found i've been getting a bit bored recently with digital-ness, as i seem to be seeing the same thing over and over again. it takes a lot to make me go "OOOOOOOH!!" now, which is a bit annoying. so in an attempt to get over this and find something new i went into that weird place called the library.
most of the books were a bit crap but i managed to find a couple of good ones. one was interplay interactive design by lauren parker from the V&A. it had web addresses in it. i tried some out. some were dead. some were crap. some were interesting but looked nothing like the screenshots in the books. that the one thing about books that suck, they don't come with a refresh button.

anyway... here are my findings.

the first address i typed in was delaware.gr.jp, which turned out to be a strange music / visual group from japan. who like bitmaps. and scrolling sideways. and mobile phones. it's all artoon.

they also like remixing youtube, which is quite interesting.

i also had a look at praystation by Joshua Davis, who's a big coding monkey. he's currently remaking his site with a wordpress template, but there are some pretty amazing images on there. he also runs once upon a forest, which is a very nice simple flash gallery of his work. he's cleverly hidden the description of his work in the source.

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