I want this coat. It seems pretty unassuming, but is actually a tool for people who crave personal space in crowded places or are just shy. Depending on how infringed the user feels, the coat emits the sound of a dog barking. It can be anything from a poodle's yap to a rottweilers bark. By Suzi Webster and Jordan Benwick.

This lovely little piece of jewelry is by Mouna Andraos. It displays the distance to a special physical place, such as your home, in relation to where you are now. It's designed to make the user feel more attached to a place that is important to them, and make the world seem a little smaller or bigger.

Jayne Wallace made this hand worn piece for her friend, as a symbol of her relationship with her homeland in Cyprus. A sensor in Cyprus detects when it rains and controls the piece which is in London. When a set amount of rain has been detected, the flower blossoms, letting the wearer feel connected to her homeland.

This piece was also made by Jayne Wallace, made for another friend. The piece contains various files which reflect the wearers memories, stories and dreams. The piece projects these files onto digital displays near the wearer, acting as a constant reminder.
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