^ what i think a photography website should be like
brainstorming possible sections, what i want some of the pages to contain, what i want the design to be like.

^ possible images / graphics to use in layout
trying to get past the obvious use of images, managed to come up with a possible colour scheme and the definate exclusion of men in anoraks (profotos)

^ things i want to avoid
tables, rows and rows of text, confusing navigation, anoraks, dark dingy design.

^ first scrawl resembling a decent idea
using div layers and if i can figure it out an external CSS document for layout and colour scheme (which i think is going to be white, red and black... inspired by darkroom colours. i don't care if the darkroom at LCAD is amber, they're supposed to be red!) trying to figure out where i'm going to place images and text, blah blah blah.
An interesting idea that i've come up with is to have three different ways of finding the photographer you want to look at, you could look through them by name, thumbnail (a nice little crop of one of their photos maybe) and movement, but not sure if i'll be able to do the last one with my limited knowledge of the history of photography.
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