

i find a website of amazing twitter and flickr mashup amazingness, view the source and all the comments explaining everything is in french...

i don't speak french...
it's amusing though...

// Si elle est appelée sans paramètres,
// cette fonction renvoie une valeur en virgule flottante indiquant la version Flash Player ou 0.0
// ex : Flash Player 7r14 renvoie 7.14
// Si appelé avec reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision renvoie true si cette version ou une version ultérieure est disponible
function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision

dammit... Michio Kaku told me that english was going to be the language of the global community, and of the "elites".

but it reminded me of the AIDO page by brendan dawes, which is probably more do-able.
(woo! 100th post!)

1 comment:

Capture said...

so you look in the sources... ;-)
