It's so frickn' horrible and it turns up whenever I do or think of doing anything. It doesn't appear in my own mind, instead it waits a few weeks and then shows up when i've gotten into whatever it is that I'm doing, and makes me feel like I actually have no understanding of what it is I'm doing.
So why do i do any of this?
a. It's cool.
Apparently this isn't enough of an answer. Although it's true.
b. Innate impulse
I tend to just mind-puke all this stuff up.
c. There is a point
Actually. I think there is. I think there's a point to taking stuff out of the screen. I want to not only bring tactility to the online world, by bringing it into the real world in the form of uber clever objects, but I want to show all the masses of data that is hidden away in the internet. So much stuff is hidden away in boxes and only visible on screens. This is boring. And if you're not staring at a screen you have no way of knowing it's there.
I'm not saying that the web is completely not interactive, or made up completely of fake interactions, I'm saying that the majority of these interactions are plain, old fashioned and
boring. They feel too ethereal, and un-real.
I want to bring some reality and feeling to it by putting it into objects.
Yes. I said it. The internet is boring.