It has definitely made me come to the conclusion that I am not a web designer. Ideas in head do not come onto screen easily. I probably just need to practice a bit more but yes, time is of the essence.
So I've installed wordpress and tinkered around in it's PHP files, tried to get my head around it and make it look like how i want it to.
here's my progress:

I wanted pixels. They came out as boxes. I couldn't decide on colours at this stage, but I was mostly concerned about getting my head around it.

Not much changed here, but I like that gradient. ^_^ mmm... colours.

I tried to work on this idea a bit more, with DIRTY brushes in photoshop. But I still wasn't really happy.
So I've resignated myself to just using a good looking template. I'm going to try to customize it a bit but I think it's the way forward.
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