
i want one!!!


these... are... so... cool...

ALAVS (Autonomous Light Air Vessels) are amazing pretty little blimp robots that are really quite cool. they FLOAT. and they're pretty.

ALAVS 1.0 had three programmed behaviours; ALAV with a person, ALAV with other ALAVs, and ALAV alone. when an ALAV is alone for a while it emits a call, to find the rest of the flock and get some attention. if a person wants to interact with an ALAV they have to wait till they're hungry (which is shown by the colours of a dangly LED thing), and then the person can feed them with a pretty light.

ALAVS 2.0 use mobile phones to let people interact with the ALAVS more than just feeding them. using an IVR system (Interactive Voice Recognition) a person can interact with the whole group of ALAVS or one. their behaviour changes depending on wether or not the ALAV percieves the person as a friend or foe.

there's also BLUBBER BOTS!!!
they also respond to mobile phone activity, so if you wave your phone about you can attract their attention, and they'll respond with a song or a dance. they also seek put the strongest source of light and flock when in a group.
best of all you can buy them.

i want one so much it hurts.

1 comment:

Liam Parkinson said...

me wants one.....