just looking at a couple of simple layout ideas, which went from stripes to compressing everything down and making it sprawl out.
also considering wether i want a boring plain text twitter feed or a nice fancy one. also need to look at different flickr feeds maybe.

i mocked up the stripy idea (me fav) in photoshop, so i can get a better idea of where i want to put things. the green bit is the news feed / blog, the blue bit is the space for twitter and flickr feeds, and the purple bit is where the layout changey buttons are going to be. at this stage i like serif fonts. i may not later on. i usually don't.
the next stage is going to be coming up with several ideas of colour palettes and images etc. and maybe a bit more layout tweaking.
that's it. i've done enough work today.
the soup. it burns.
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