The backstory (or what i've been able to find out so far) is of a ship caught in a storm and crashing into an island, which is quite a strange place really. You wander around the island clicking everything you see and collecting objects, keys, lamps, spanners, and i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to be finding bits of pottery.

view from the skyship, which kinda makes up for not being able to fly around.

interesting textures on the lilypads.

for this tree they've applied leaf textures onto spheres, which i think works really well, may swipe this idea.

there are some fun interactive things to play with there, like these steel drums, which make playing the game more fun. i found myself getting a bit frustrated about not finding things in all the rooms i was looking in, so i spent some time jamming.

just pretty...

little pod rooms and huge flowers...

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