brainstorming what island means...

liking the idea of something surrounded by something else...

isolation leads to optomistic ideas...

i quite like the idea of HYPERSPAAACE, since it's a little obsession of mine and it means you can basically make anything in a parallell universe, but i've already gone down that path before (hyperspace bubble of doooom) so i'm going to see what other stuff i can come up with.
i've been having some trouble coming up with ideas, since i'm not really that into games and i have an amazingly short attention span. So i want to make sure that i make an idea that interests me, so i don't get bored senseless...
I've been trying to find out more about the video for alias' sixes last, since it's the only idea that i've really got any clue of how i want to develop it and what kind of direction i want to go in. sort of. basically i want to rip them off, completely.
"Them" is 1st Ave machine, who also have a very nice website. "1st Ave Machine create high end design work by employing 3D in ways that blur the line between what we percieve as real and impossible."
time for pretty stills:

i first thought of taking photographs or video of trees and then putting the 3D ontop, into the environment but i'm starting to think that it might be a bit tricky. i'm not the best tree climber in the world and i don't think i'll be able to get my hands on a crane for a camera. So unless i decide to use a low lying piece of shrubbery i may create the tree and environment in maya aswell, using photographs for reference. Creating the environment also means i'll be able to control the environment more effectively, deciding what season and time of day it is throughout the story.
i also had a little natter with lukie about my idea, and he told me about this film that was never ever made, but maybe one day could be. It's by the people that made spirited away and graveyard of the fireflies (studio ghibli). It's about borro the caterpillar who lives in a tree, and his whole world is there, but eventually he turns into a butterfly and moves to the neighbouring tree, which is like a whole different planet to little borro. I've been googling all morning and the only evidence i've managed to find is this strange little email which also discusses the old poop wars of japan. freaky email.
i quite like the idea of using a caterpillar as a character, some of them are quite strange looking...
mmm... google image search...

and this berry would look funky if made into a 3D object...

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