but that's not how things have worked out so lets go on with it anyway.
i have now started playing with the Lego NXT brick, using it to input data from it's microphone via bluetooth to processing. it's working great and everyone sitting near me is enjoying having an excuse to make loud noises. i wanted to play with the NXT brick from week one but in hindsight it probably would have been a bit too complex at such an early stage, but it could have informed my ideas a bit more. i did go off on one a bit, as i was unsure of what code i would actually need to use but oh well. the important thing is i'm LEARNING!!
i've also been working on the actual images that will be showing off what the code does. i'm not the most skilled illustrator in the world so i've just embraced this fact and made them doodle-ish.
after the doodling came the illustratoring. although i would have liked to have drawn all the paths myself, using my drawings as guides, i just don't have the time for that much faffage, so instead reverted to the old evil that is livetrace. i feel a bit dirty now but i have images to use. after some whinging someone who will remain un-named managed to persuade me into using livepaint which was PAP. made me waste precious, precious time. so i did most of the colouring in with paths...

but it works.
illustrator is defiantly one of those programs i don't fully comprehend.
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