

i hit another stumbling block today. as it turns out, rotating objects in processing isn't as simple as one first thought. i thought it would be a simple case of using degrees, but instead processing uses this weirdness called "radians". which i can't remember learning all those years ago.

after some blank staring as several people tried to explain to me what they were, which involves those little weird sin, cos and tan buttons on fancy calculators, i eventually found something that made some kind of sense to me on wikipedia.

god bless you wikipedia.

i also found a nice script in processing that converts degrees into radians, which is nice.

and i created a little program to see how it all works. here is a pretty flower circle.

once again, i have been thwarted by assuming that things will be relatively simple. i'm getting my head around it, now i just need to get all the code i've been working on into one piece which will achieve what i want, which is mostly prettiness.

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